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Yep, it took me a while to realize but eventually I moved on from my blog to a self hosted WordPress blog at The blog got a new name and I’ve got a few new posts up my sleeve again. Keep reading for more details and updates.

When I first started out on this blogging adventure I wanted to play it safe and start out with a account and domain. I got a lot more response to the blog than I initially thought I would, even though there aren’t a whole lot of comments on my posts themselves I still see a ton of people referring to my posts when I look at the statistics of the blog. I have also had a whole bunch of people contact me directly through e-mail or my contact form and all that led to the point where I am right now.

So what happened to the old site?

The old site got split in two, everything coffee related is here and everything else has been moved to All incoming links to the old domain redirect to the proper posts for at least one year from now but I do suggest that you update your bookmarks. I’m pretty sure that if you signed up to receive an e-mail notification for new posts that you won’t have to do anything, the subscription should transfer seamlessly.

What’s up next?

A bunch of things really. The Astoria / Mazzer grinder that I bought some time ago still needs finishing and I have plans to retrofit it with timer of my own design as well. Also, a few new posts have already made their way to draft status, in various states of completion. The website / blog itself did get a new design that will need some finetuning too. Eventually I might even turn Whole Latte Coffee into something more than just a blog.

Wrapping up

So there you have it, things are changing. If you want a behind the scenes look at what I’m up to, check out my Instagram. If you have questions, suggestions or find an error on my new site please leave a comment, shoot me an e-mail or fill out the contact form. If you think I should cover a specific subject, again, let me know.