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Brew Methods Series

New Series: Brewing Methods

By Brewing Methods, Coffee, Guides

Hi all, just a quick heads-up. I’m starting my first ever series “Brewing Methods” this week. The series will cover a number of methods, their history, where they originated, a list of things you’ll need to use each of the brewing methods and an illustrated in-dept guide on how to make a great cup of coffee using that specific method. The first part in the series will be released this Friday and will cover the French Press. In no particular order I will also cover the Moka Pot, AeroPress and Drip methods as well as a few others as soon as I get my hands on the proper equipment and have the technique down. Obviously I will also cover my all time favourite, Espresso.

As always, follow me on Instagram or Twitter to get a look behind the scenes and for hints on when new articles will go live.

Fixing a broken Mazzer doser return spring

By Coffee, DIY, Grinding

Just recently when I tried to dose some grinds into my portafilter, I noticed that the doser handle wasn’t returning to its starting position automatically anymore. This is something that everyone using a grinder with a doser will eventually run into but luckily it’s an easy repair that won’t deprive you of freshly ground beans for too long. Read More

Saeco Aroma – Hidden defects [updated]

By Cleaning, Coffee, Current Projects, DIY, Espresso

As you might have guessed i snagged up another espresso machine. I was told the machine started leaking water after being descaled and that somehow it wouldn’t switch off anymore. Having seen some of the pictures of the machine before committing to the sale it seemed like an easy fix. When i picked up the package it came in this afternoon it all went south though.

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This Astoria grinder needs help

By Current Projects, DIY, Grinding

With this Astoria badged Mazzer Super Jolly i’ve started a new category on my blog. You will find this and my other current projects under, you guessed it, “Current Projects“. I found this grinder locally on a classifieds website. The seller didn’t specify which brand or model it was, but i recognised its shape immediately. The grinder was cheap enough but somehow it was still listed after being on that site for about a month. When i asked the seller if he still had it for sale i was quite amazed he still hadn’t sold it yet. It did look quite beat up, but these grinders are known to stand up to just about any kind of abuse…

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Descaling a La Pavoni Professional

By Cleaning, Coffee, DIY, Espresso

Every now and then your espresso gear will need cleaning. You wash the portafilter and baskets after every use, clean the driptray at least once every few days (i hope) and wipe down the rest of the machine every so often. But what about the inside of the boiler? You can’t just reach in with a brush and start scrubbing around. Well you could but it’d be a lot more trouble than i would want to go through. Especially on a Tuesday morning before (!) i had my first espresso.
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New Design and Background Photo

By Coffee, Espresso, General

As some of you might have seen already i’ve changed the design of my blog from the classic “Twenty-Eleven”  theme to the recently released “Confit“. While Confit was originally intended for (small) restaurants etc. it does still lend itself quite good for a regular blog like mine too. The theme comes standard with a background picture displaying a beautiful glass with a beverage of some sort (sorry people i have no knowledge of alcoholic drinks whatsoever) that i changed out with a picture i took myself:


Like i said before new pictures are to be taken with an actual camera, instead of my iPhone. As it turns out the overall tone of the picture compliments the colorscheme of the theme quite well.

This might be a shorter post than the ones i post usually but rest assured i have a couple of long drafts still waiting to be buttoned up and posted.